🪙 Deploy a token smart contract

Step by step journey of deploying a token contract on Antex platform

Hinox simplifies the process of launching tokens on the blockchain. With our platform, developers can easily create and deploy their own tokens in just a few clicks, without needing to write a single line of code, The base source code has been fully audited and battle tested!


  • A Token name

  • A decimal value (18 recommended)

  • Total supply value

Open the token deployer page

Token Deployer

  • Connect your wallet and select your Network

  • Enter your token name

  • Enter your token symbol

  • Enter your total supply

  • Click deploy button

Possible errors

ErrorsPossible CausesSolution

Invalid Uint on supply

You have entered an invalid number as the total supply

Total supply must be a positive integer. Enter a positive number and retry

Gas estimation failed

You must have enough gas to propagate your deployment transaction

Top up your wallet and retry

Last updated