How to stake on Hinox

The staking is done through the "Staking" dashboard, with a seamless user interface and workflow, so anyone without any technical knowledge can easily navigate and stake their $BST, start to earn token rewards, and see the financial projections of their reward distributions and leadership board all organised in a single page.

Here is the step by step journey for staking your $BST token

  1. At our website, click on the staking menu on the Navbar or simply go to io.

  2. Connect your Web 3 Wallet (Metamask,Trustwallet,Coinbase wallet,Ledge and etcetera).

  3. Your available balance of $BST token amount will appear on the dashboard.

  4. choose the number of token you want to stake.

  5. choose the desired period of time you want your staked token locked.

  6. Summit transaction.

  7. Approve and Confirm the transaction in your connected wallet.

  8. Once transaction is complete, see a popup in your dashboard displaying your current $BST tokens that are staked.

Last updated